Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Look Up

This video is so inspirational and I meant to post it a while back. You just have to watch. This is something that I've been telling my friends about recently. We are always on our phones and we miss out on a lot. We miss out on the way we look when we're laughing, the snorted way we giggle when a joke is told and whatever happened to old fashioned letters. I admit, I'm on my phone way more than I should be. Even in the pool, thanks to my lifeproof case. But I shouldn't be. I need to stop and smell the roses, look up into the sky and look at the shapes of clouds or count the stars. I want to see my friend when she tells me good news, not hear about it via text. The worst part is when you are sitting next to someone and you are texting each other instead of speaking. That is not the world I was raised in and that is not the world I want to be in. Yes technology will continue to move forward, but I want to run outside and play tag, have an hour of tv time, shower and bed like the good old days. As long as people realize that technology isn't your life, that there is more out there than video games and Facebook, the world will be open to new ideas and see life in all of its glory. Just look up!

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

The past is like an anchor holding us back, you have to let go of you who you are to become who you will be.

This is how I'm feeling lately. Carrie's got it right. I keep meeting the wrong guys. Kissing a lot of frogs and never ever getting a prince. But every person I meet makes me stronger and better and I learn from my mistakes. They help me be who I am today. Sometimes I feel like I'm not learning from any of my mistakes, but I am. It's just a slow process. I have to stop living in the past though. I have to stop thinking "what did I do wrong" and just be me and be happy. A book is in the process of being written - a coming of age novel of love lost, broken hearts and a girl finding her way of being single and happy. It's going to be based off of my past so guys beware - I suggest you stay on my good side if you want to be portrayed in a good light. Most of them won't though. I hope it will help me stop living in the past, letting go of what went wrong and what has happened in my life, so I can keep moving forward. I also hope that it will help others who have been through the same situations and help them realize that they are not alone, they deserve happiness and there is someone out there for them. Patience is the key. Patience and happiness.