Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Do you ever feel ...

like you have so many ideas in your head and you don't have enough time or energy to do it all? Well that is totally me.
I want to be a writer, a traveler, a crocheter, a clothesmaker, a foodie ... etc. etc. etc. I want to open my own shop and sell my handmade items, and I did open an etsy shop, and yet I feel like I don't have enough time to promote it because I work 12 hrs a day and when I get home all I want to do is put on my jammies, lay on my couch and watch tv. I don't want to think about work, and though my shop is my hobby it is work getting it up and running. But if I do nothing than none of my dreams will come true. Such is the dilemma.
Every day I am motivated by my peers to do what I love - which is all of the above and more - but I feel so drained after to working to get anything accomplished. I would just like to quit my full-time job and say the heck with it all, and fully delve into my business, but I can't because I wanted to have this big wedding with all of my family and friends and so I have to stick with it for the time being. Damn my childhood wedding dreams! But I know it will happen because I want it to happen and my future hubby believes in me and motivates me to keep my dreams alive. So cheers to him and my future dreams one day coming true. Until then, keep dreaming and dream BIG!!!

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