Sunday, September 8, 2013

Breaking Up is Hard

Everyone's gone through it. I've been through it plenty. But it still hurts every time. This agonizing feeling of loneliness and heartbreak - I can't eat - My throat and eyes hurt from crying and I'm always feeling an onset of tears that I try to push back into the deepest part of me.

Everything happens for a reason is seriously my motto because it does. There's always a reason why you meet that person and they break your heart - Is there a life lesson involved? Possibly, probably, but who knows? Right now I can barely think straight let alone feel like my life is going to get better and the next time around will be different. I've said this to myself for the past six years of my single life. I've had my ups and my downs but I always pick myself back up. But I always find it hard to believe that I will one day meet my prince charming because it seems like there's a lot more frogs than princes who surround me or find me or walk into my life unexpectedly. But hey, life isn't always a fairytale right? Sometimes it's a harrowing journey through a dark, scary forest where you have to slay the dragon or evil queen. But usually a happy ending comes out of it, it appears though that my epic life is taking a little too long to get to its happily ever after. C'est la vie! It is what it is. Whose life is perfect anyways?

Look on the bright side - 1. My friends and family are amazing and love me just as much as I love them. 2. I have a great job. 3. I live in sunny Florida where I can go to the beach or pool any day I want, even in the winter if I dare :) 4. My pets are cuddly and love me and don't care what I do or how I act or anything. 5. I am an awesome person, whose kind to others, whose loving and who loves life - at least that's how I feel. I honestly believe that you can't love someone else until you love yourself. It took me a while to really understand that, but I do, I honestly love myself, in every way shape or form.

But in lieu of my breaking up - even though he said it was a break I know that its a break up - I'm going to post a song that fits my mood perfectly. Stay happy and live life to the fullest.



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