Wednesday, August 20, 2014

My month so far...

Cheerleading season has started. I am a cheerleading coach for 7-9 year olds in my town. The season started at the end of July, but it got a little crazier the past few weeks, what with my traveling and games starting up. We have to make a routine for competition which is in October - we have the competition cheer and dance all choreographed, now we just have to teach the girls...oh boy is that fun. Hopefully we'll place 1st or 2nd so we can go to Nationals in Tampa like we did last year. It was a nice mini vacation, a good time was had by all - cheerleaders, coaches and parents.

The bachelorette party went off without a hitch. It was crazy for me, getting on a plane, sleeping, getting up early to catch the ferry, partying for 2 days straight, then waking up early to catch a bus to the airport. I had to work the next day, so needless to say I was very, very tired for a while. But the bachelorette had a great time, and so did all of us girls. It was great to see everyone, let loose and have a great time! Also the view from our room at Ballards Inn was phenomenal...island status!

In two weeks I will be making another trek up to Massachusetts, but this time I will be driving the whole way with my boyfriend. It will be a grand adventure and our first vacation. It will also be the first time he'll be meeting my family and friends who live up north. I'm really excited. I found this great website,, where you can plan stops along the way on the roadtrip - definitely check it out! My boyfriend is kind of wary about what I came across - can you say UFO Welcome Center and Largest Tire? Oh Yea!! I also planned a stop in New Jersey because his only request was to be able to see Jay and Silent Bob's comic shop and the Quick Stop where they filmed at - I found another comic book shop along the way in Virginia, so we'll be stopping there too. Best girlfriend ever? I think so! On the way back, we're hopefully going to stop for a bit in Washington, D.C. We have to get up to Mass quickly because of the wedding, but on the way home we don't have any set schedule and it's my birthday weekend so we're hopefully going to stop and see the sites. Exciting!

We've been collecting Pops! If you're a nerd and you like collecting things, then you've probably heard of them. If not, maybe you shouldn't, because it is addicting! My boyfriend already has about 30, not counting the 3 that I have at my house. So far we're collecting the Star Wars, Game of Thrones, Ghostbusters and Back to the Future collections. We've started on Disney as well - Elsa and Olaf and Tinkerbell :). I want the entire Buffy collection, but so far I only have the comicon special edition Slayer Buffy, which is absolutely awesome!!! My babe likes me a lot for getting me that - he also got me the Archie comic where Archie dies :( - I was told not to read it because it loses it's value, so I haven't read it yet.

And on the last note, here's a great new song by TSwift ... review is up on my other site here. Enjoy!!!

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