Monday, July 22, 2013


I always do this, I always say I'm going to blog but never do. But I had an enlightening moment this weekend and decided that, "Yes, I am going to blog and I'm going to do it every day or every other day or whenever the feeling arises. Maybe I'll blog twice a day!" But anyways, I will keep my promise or you can stick a needle in my eye as the saying goes.
This weekend was beyond perfect. I recently moved to Jacksonville, Florida and am living with my parents and commuting an hour to and from work, which right now is not bad but not ideal either. Eventually I would like to get a place on the beach, but that won't be for another year at least because I need to SAVE SAVE SAVE!!!
So right now I'm kind of lacking on the friend front. All my friends are in Massachusetts and I've been feeling a little down in the dumps. A co-worker of mine asked me what kind of guys I was interested in - first let me tell you I have been single for about 5 years, so my love life is really lagging behind LOL - and I told her that I would like an attractive man who is nice, respectful and can make me laugh. Well, she set me up with a friend of hers whose single and only a couple years older than me. She also sent me pictures and so far so good ;). Then she asked if she could give him my number and I figured what did I have to lose so I told her yes. BEST DECISION EVER!!!
I've been hanging out with him since Thursday. He took me out to dinner and the beach. Pays me compliments. Treats me well. I don't want to get my hopes up, but I definitely had the best weekend and hope it continues. I'm not used to this kind of chivalry, because let's face it, I really thought chivalry was dead. I also have become really independent, so him paying for really expensive meals is making me a little apprehensive, but I deserve that kind of treatment and that's what he wants to do. I'm not some superficial shallow girl that is looking for a guy with money to take care of her, granted it would be nice to never have to work and be a housewife and take care of the kids, maybe write on the side, but it's not something that's important to me. What's important is an honest relationship built on love and if that's what this turns into I owe my coworker a HUGE thank you. This guy definitely has potential ;).

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