Friday, May 2, 2014

Do What Makes You Happy

So a lot of things have been going on. I'm looking to buy a house and my parents are separated. I'm excited about buying/decorating a new abode, and yet I'm feeling selfish for feeling happy when my parents are not. I guess though, being separated has made them happier. Sometimes people just grow apart. Which is fine, you just never think it's going to be your parents. Especially when I'm 28 and they've been together almost 30 years. It's just weird. But, I'm trying to be positive because I can't let them bring me down. Yes, it definitely affects me, but it's for the better. So I'm going to keep looking for a house and I'm going to get excited about it. The only thing worse than being upset about things you can't change is making them feel like it's your fault that you're upset.

So today I'm happy. Being positive is a good thing. Things happen for a reason. I firmly believe in that. So what is making me happy?

This video for starters. Emma Stone is absolutely amazing and hilarious. I think Emma Stone should battle against Paul Rudd. Now that would be EPIC.

Watching HGTV. Looking at houses has made me OBSESSED with House Hunters and Property Brothers and everything else that comes on. I could watch it for hours. I'm getting so many ideas - I also get a lot of ideas from Pinterest. I've come to the conclusion that people who have an infinite budget are annoying. They complain about anything and everything. I would seriously just be happy to have that kind of budget to work with, plus renovate if necessary. But then again, if I had the money maybe I would be a snob too - hopefully not though. Fingers crossed I become rich but don't become a snob. When you wish upon a star ... ;)

I got to see my nieces last week. They are absolutely precious. I don't get to see them often because I moved, but just hearing a little 4-year-old voice calling "Titi Veronica" and asking you a million questions puts a smile on my face. The littlest is only a month old, so she can't talk yet, but with each visit she'll remember and know me and I know my friends will keep me posted with pictures and everything of their daily lives. That's a great thing about friends who are like your sisters. Even though we're far a part, we're still very close. Thanks technology!

I'm also on a Frozen kick and I always have "Let it Go" in my head. I also have the song "Do You Want to Build a Snowman" in my head - which is actually a depressing song when you think about it. Poor Anna just wants to play and Elsa hides in her room for YEARS! Literally, years! They don't even know each other. Elsa obviously does it to protect Anna from her powers, but still. SAD! But what's funny, is this video of marines singing to "Let it Go." WATCH IT!! It cracks me up! They get so excited at the end, when Elsa lets down her hair. 

And lastly... because this is a happy post. Let's end with something upbeat. Because I'm happy and you should be too! :)

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